
ButterFly Movement

আমাদের দেশের মেয়েরা স্বাধীনভাবে চলাফেরা করতে পারে না। তাই আমাদের দেশ পূর্ণ স্বাধীন না। চলুন দেশকে পূর্ণ স্বাধীন করি।



- Rape is –“an unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against a person's will or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent because of mental illness, mental deficiency, intoxication, unconsciousness, or deception”.Merrian Webster.The definition of rape is inconsistent between governmental health organizations, law enforcement,etc.It has varied historically and culturally.
The latest statistics of the rape incident in Bangladesh 2020 does not seem good. Rather, it has been increasing day after day. The incident of murdering women after raping them is the most frightening at present. Though there had been hard and fast law in the country to prevent the rape incident, there has been no stopping. A total of 975 women have been raped between January to September in 2020, according a statistics of Ain O Salish Kendro Bangladesh in 2020. According to the statistics, out of 975, 208 women and children were the victim of gang-rape in Bangladesh. 43 were killed after being raped while 12 committed suicide after rape, the statistics also shows. In the previous year 2019, (January-December) 1,996 cases of violence against children and women were reported. On an average, 10.57 rape cases were filed in a day in five years between 2014 and 2018 as the number of the filing of rape cases was 3,949 in 2018, 3,995 in 2017, 3,728 in 2016, 3,930 in 2015 and 3,695 in 2014.
On October 1, 2020, Ain O Salish Kendra, a Bangladesh-based human rights organization, revealed that from January to September of 2020, men raped more than 1,000 women. Forty-three of those women died, and more than 200 others evaded their rape attempts.Given all these, on October 13, 2020, the government of the country introduced capital punishment against rape in the place of the existing life-term imprisonment. During the Liberation War Of Bangladesh in 1971, members of the Pakistani military and Razakar raped between 200,000 and 400,000 Bangladeshi women and girls in a systematic campaign of genocidal rape. Most of the rape victims of the Pakistani Army and its allies were Hindu women.
How can we reduce the risk of becoming a sexual assault victim - Anyone can be the target of sexual assault, regardless of age, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, sexual history, or social class.Nearly 85% of all victims of sexual assault knew the person who raped or assaulted them. Often a situation starts off innocent and fun, but can then very quickly escalate out of control.
To reduce the risk of sexual assault we have to avoid dangerous situation. - Sexual assault can occur in any situation and is never your fault regardless of the circumstances. However, by taking such steps as traveling accompanied and avoiding alcohol and drugs, you can significantly reduce your risks for being victimized.


Human Rights are Women Rights

Article by Zarif Mahfuz

What are human rights? -Human rights include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and education, and many more. -Women rights -Human rights are women rights and women rights are human rights . We are all intitled to human rights.These include the right to live free from violence and discrimination; to enjoy the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health; to be educated; to own property; to vote; and to earn an equal wage. Women right in Education -Girls have the right same right to education as boys.Women education refers to every form of education that aims at improving the knowledge, and skill of women and girls. It includes general education at schools and colleges, vocational and technical education, professional education, health education, etc. Women's Rights in Education. Accordingly, it is essential that school environments foster gender equality and provide safe spaces in which all students can learn. Since the enactment of Title IX in 1972, federal law has guaranteed the right to education free from sex discrimination, and since then women and girls have made great strides toward... Although these happens mostly in rural areas cause their parents in villages do not allow them to have proper education. However, these distinctions are not so evident in urban areas. Women Rights in gender equality Gender equality is when people of all genders have equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities. Everyone is affected by gender inequality - women, men and gender diverse people, children and families. It impacts people of all ages and backgrounds. Freedom of expression Freedom of expression refers to the ability of an individual or group of individuals to express their beliefs, thoughts, ideas, and emotions about different issues free from government censorship. Freedom of expression is a core value in the democratic process. It ensures people are able to discuss, exchange, and debate ideas. This human right allows individuals and communities to find information which is important to them and share it with others, without censorship or reprisals. Gender equality The roles of men and women have seen a lot of changes in modern society. The term gender equality means that all people of all genders are able to enjoy the same rights and opportunities in all aspects of their lives. UK laws now mean that men and women should have equal rights in all areas such as pay, the right to vote and the job they do.

Time to talk about Rape

Article by Zunayed Abedin

The global statistics on sexual assault against women are shocking. At least one in every five women experiences rape or attempted rape during her lifetime.1 The recently published report from the United Nations Population Fund on the State of the World Population 2000 is the latest of many official reports that have documented the size of the problem.2 Yet despite clear documentation and the fact that much attention has been paid to the issue of sexual violence against women at international level, the problem is getting worse. The UN report and other data make it clear that the incidence of rape and other forms of sexual violence is increasing worldwide.3 Yet even official figures underestimate the scale of the problem because the proportion of rapes reported to the authorities varies from 16% in the United States to 3% in South Africa (where even 3% amounted to 49 280 rapes in 1984). The fourth world conference on women in 1995 in Beijing considered violence against women to be one of the 12 critical areas of concern, and a “platform for action” was agreed by the 189 governments present.5 Yet the follow up conference in New York in 2000 agreed that the action had been woefully ineffective,6 and a Human Rights Watch report on six countries—Jordan, Pakistan, Peru, Russia, South Africa, and the United States—concluded that women were actually worse off.4 These six countries are not extreme cases; they reflect the situation for women in most countries. Perhaps it is not surprising that international action to prevent sexual violence has failed when the judicial system is so often stacked against women who complain of sexual violence. In the United States, for example, some states do not treat sexual misconduct by guards on women prisoners as a criminal offence. In Peru some women have had to deliver police summonses to their abusers, and in Pakistan police often refuse to register a complaint. Forensic examination in some countries focuses solely on whether or not the victim was a virgin. In Jordan officials place women victims in prison, apparently for protective custody, and in most countries the moral standing of the victim is taken into account in the judicial system. One judge in Pakistan allegedly dismissed a case because he felt that the victim had not struggled enough.4 Human Right Watch has identified the high level issues that need to be addressed to counter these problems. They include repealing laws that discriminate against women; eliminating police bias against female victims of sexual assault; ensuring medicolegal systems provide women with appropriate treatment and diagnosis, providing protection from further violence; ensuring that perpetrators are brought to justice; and eliminating judicial bias against women. But some of these measures are hard to implement, because they involve changing attitudes and power relationships, and governments need encouragement to implement them: women need advocates. The international medical advisory panel of the Planned Parenthood Foundation recommends that healthcare professionals should provide that advocacy, alongside increasing their awareness of sexual violence and their skills in managing victims, providing support and care for the victims, and implementing preventive actions.1 Providing physical care and attention and doing so with sensitivity and understanding obviously fall within the remit of clinicians, but even these are often done badly. Even if the physical consequences of rape—injury, sexually transmitted diseases, and unwanted pregnancy—are dealt with adequately, the psychological consequences are often neglected, with victims rarely being followed up or routinely referred for counselling.7 There are often no standard procedures for dealing with rape victims, and doctors are often ignorant of the sampling techniques and legislative procedures required or where to refer for counselling services even if they do know about the need to investigate and treat sexually transmitted diseases.8,9 Doctors also need to advocate for action as influential members of society. There needs to be a strong, coordinated, bottom up approach to the problem of sexual violence as well as a top down one. Sexual assault is still talked about only in hushed whispers, making it even harder for victims to come to terms with their ordeal and seek the help they need. We need to brush aside the taboos and talk more openly about this huge problem and the practical ways of tackling it. As well as being an individual, every rape victim is also someone's daughter, sister, or mother. It is our responsibility to become involved and take action before these cold statistics become personal.

Preventing Rape

Article by Zubayer Abedin

The only person responsible for committing sexual assault is a perpetrator, but all of us have the ability to look out for each other’s safety. Whether it’s giving someone a safe ride home from a party or directly confronting a person who is engaging in threatening behavior, anyone can help prevent sexual violence. What is a bystander? A bystander is a person who is present when an event takes place but isn’t directly involved. Bystanders might be present when sexual assault or abuse occurs—or they could witness the circumstances that lead up to these crimes. On average there are over 293,000 victims (age 12 or older) of rape and sexual assault each year in the U.S. The majority of these crimes are committed by someone the victim knows. Given these circumstances, it’s important to recognize the role bystanders can play in preventing crimes like sexual assault. What can I do to prevent sexual assault? You may have heard the term “bystander intervention” to describe a situation where someone who isn’t directly involved steps in to change the outcome. Stepping in may give the person you’re concerned about a chance to get to a safe place or leave the situation. You don’t have to be a hero or even stand out from the crowd to make a big difference in someone’s life. Take steps to protect someone who may be at risk in a way that fits your comfort level. Whether you’re taking home a friend who has had too much to drink, explaining that a rape joke isn’t funny, or getting security involved when someone is behaving aggressively, choosing to step in can affect the way those around you think about and respond to sexual violence. Why don’t people help more often? It’s not always easy to step in, even if you know it’s the right thing to do. Some common reasons bystanders remain on the sidelines include: “I don’t know what to do or what to say.” “I don’t want to cause a scene.” “It’s not my business.” “I don’t want my friend to be mad at me.” “I’m sure someone else will step in.” It’s okay to have these thoughts, but it’s important to realize that your actions can have a big impact. In many situations, bystanders have the opportunity to prevent crimes like sexual assault from happening in the first place. Your actions matter Whether or not you were able to change the outcome of the situation, by stepping in you are helping change the way people think about their roles in preventing sexual violence. If you suspect that someone you know has been sexually assaulted, there are steps you can take to support that person. Learn more about steps you can take to prevent a sexual assault and show you C.A.R.E. Identify ways to help someone you care about. Learn more about how to respond when someone discloses sexual assault or abuse.

Section 375 Bd

Article By Radhika Rahi

Rape is the only where the victims becomes the accused. Rape is not just a women's issue. It's about men who stop behaving like human beings and start behaving like an animal.Section 375 is a Penal Code of Bangladesh,made in 1860. It says rape occurs when a woman is raped under one of the circumstances like, against her will, without her proper consent or when her consent has been obtained by putting her in fear of death or of hurt. The punishment for violating Section 375 will be the imprisonment of not less than seven years but it may extend to imprisonment for life, and shall also be liable to fine. In aggravated situations, punishment will be rigorous imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than 10 years but which may extend to imprisonment for life, and shall also be liable to fine.

Effects of porn in our society

leonel official

Hi everyone! Today Im talking about a very important matter. Its porn. First of all, this article is for education purpose and ahead there are some extreme topics. So what does porn do? Porn is something we humans watch for pleasure. Let me give you guys some information. Every second: - 28,258 are watching pornography on the internet. - $3,075.64 is being spent on pornography on the internet. - 372 people are typing the word “adult” into a search engine. Every day: - 37 pornographic videos are created in the United States. - 2.5 billion emails containing porn are sent or received. - 68 million search queries related to pornography- 25% of total searches- are generated. - 116,000 queries related to child pornography are received So as you guys can see too many people are watching porn. Porn is bad for our sex drive. Pornography permeates many committed relationships and, unfortunately, affects young and old as a pseudo-low libido. What this means is that a person may still be interested in sex, yet not in the correct way. The way they view sexuality deviates, resulting in unrealistic expectations of body image, what an intimate encounter is and, in some cases, can lead to negative sexual behavior. The internet has been an extremely large contributor to this. Often, people who are committed to changing their behavior are referred to sexual addiction counseling to manage this effectively. Is it why I am writing this article? For our sex drive? Wrong. You see I just gave an example of 1 country, US, in the above chart. Imagine about the whole world. In our country Bangladesh, almost from teenagers to adults are porn addicts or were porn addicts. There are many types of porn categories like very much. For example: BDSM were women are treated brutally, Family relations, Father and daughter, Brother and sister, Slavery, servant, etc. Just imagine a person watching all these extreme which a normal person has never experienced, thinking about these to do in real life and fantasizing these all the time. When we watch news about rape, sometimes we see that girls are getting raped in their own houses by their family members or someone working in their homes. Although, their house is the safest place they can be, still they are getting raped there. Sometimes we see in news, a father raped her own daughter. Why? I mean why would a father even think to rape her daughter? Well there are many sides to cover. Since we are on pornography, when a father watches a porn video on father and daughter category he thinks of it. When he watches many videos on this topic, this thing becomes normal to him. Because too many people are doing so. These days, extreme sexual things have become normal because pornography videos are showing them that it's normal to do so. Why is a brother raping her own sister? He sees on videos that other people are doing so and its normal also for him to do so. Why are people raping there own house servants? Because they are watching other people to do so. A few days ago, I heard a news that a 11 year old boy raped a 7 year old girl and he himself confessed that he watched it in porn that’s why. See, we can't blame porn for rape fully. There is lack of education in boys who does rape. There is culture, and many more aspect to cover. Porn changes the mindset of a person who is watching it. It creates a burn in someone to do all the things which are being done on those videos. And I have seen that many people, there own parents and the whole society always judges the girl but not tye rapists. So guys I cant I have made my point clear. Be careful guys. Take care of your sisters and daughters. Bye bye.

What is Rape and why does it happen

Article By Radhika Rahi

Rape has become a very common word nowadyas. That doesn’t mean it started recently. It’s better to say that the cases have flashed recently through social media platforms. But the situation has not changed a bit. Today also the rapists roam around freely and the victims are cornered. Some of them commit suicide in extreme pain and torture;mentally and physically. They can't even share their feelings with anyone. Society always blames the victims. Recent data says that the percentage of the actual rape cases in the world are 90% whereas the cases filed are only 10%. Research and investigative departments came with a result that almost 10% victims die in the spot where they were raped and the other 10% are brutally murdered. Other 50% are scared to report their cases in fear of society or commits suicide and the rest 20% keeps on getting raped; many of them die in such way. But the most horrible and sad thing is that those 10% victims, who with courage file their case and try to fight for justice, have to go through family pressure, social pressure,teases and many other tragic situations that end up with no justice . But why do these things happen? Why are girls always the victims? Why do they have to stay caged all the time? Don’t they deserve freedom? Is that a tradition? From my perspective, rape is a result of our carelessness. We are liable for it. Why don’t we teach our boys to respect girls rather than teaching girls to be conscious? Now, many of us will say that social media, pornhubs,and bad trends are ruining them. But is it really true? No.Rapes has been started since the early-man era. Yes we don’t know about them cause it was casual for them. They weren’t educated but we are. We all know what is what. We can’t blame pornhubs. If porns were the reason of rape, then why don’t a girl rape a boy? Girls also watch porns. They also feel the same way as boys do. But do she rape a boy? No. Then why does a boy do so? Because since their childhood, they learnt that girls are their property. They can do anything with them. In this phase, the families play a huge role. Core research shows that in those families in which a woman is tortured, the boy(s) become rapists. Our mentality is one of the most leading cause of rape. Then comes the matter of clothing. We,the people of Bangladesh always have lame thought that the leading reason of rape is cloths. Girls who wear short or modern clothes get raped. As a result, girls in our country are always seen wearing baggy clothes, they are forced to wear those. But the actual fact is cloths is NOT a reason of rape. If it’s a reason then why do boys wear tight clothes? Our education system separates boys and girls in a thought that it will decrease the attraction between them. Rather than being helpful,this method is making matters worse. The attractions are increasing more violently. As they were separated, they didn't understand each other's feelings. And the result is rape. To conclude with- We need to change our mentality. Girls have the equal rights to live as boys have. They are not toys.They also deserve freedom. Freedom to dress ,freedom to talk, freedom to live and freedom in every single thing. The World starts from us. If we change, everything around us will change. Let’s make this World Heaven for our GIRLS.

Causes of Rape

Article by- Farifta Binte Zaman

There are many different theories explaining the cause of rape. The theories that will be discussed in this article include military conquest, socioeconomic, anger, power, sadism, traits, enthical standards, laws, and evolutionary pressure that lend some explanation to the causes of rape, molestation, sexual harassment, stalking etc.Rape is a very serious crime which has traumatic emotional affect as well as physical complication. Another cause of rapes are rapist. For this rapists, sex is a weapon to defile and degrade the victim. Diffrent rapists commit rape for diffrent reason,and any one rapist may rape for diffrent reason at different times.

My thoughts on Rape and Molestation.

Article by Humaira Hossein

"Monster" a term which we all are aware of, through TV or internet, but are we aware of the living monsters? These Monsters take advantage of the people who are afraid, they are disguised as your teacher, your relative, your boyfriend or girlfriend. We can't identify them with our eyes as they are disguised. Their one move will cause the victims most disgusting, scariest and traumatic nightmare ever, which tags along till the end. Those Monsters take that step only for amusement and fun but they don't even think once about the impact on the victim and it's family. The victim of sexual assault and sex crime, feels like it's their death with their beating heart, and at a point of time the even stop their beating heart. Facts(taken by Google and other articles): ■82% of sexual assault victims are female. ■Aged around 14-17 were by far most likely to be sexually victimized. ■In 2019, over 652,676 woman were raped. ■ Between January to September 2020, at least 975 cases were reported of women sexually assaulted in Bangladesh. ■ About 20 man has been raped till September 2020 in Bangladesh. ■ Woman and man with disabilities face twice the risk of assault than able-bodied. ■ South-Africa has the highest rape statistics in the world. ■ Liechtenstein didn't report any rape cases in 2020. The awareness of rape cases is not that high in Bangladesh, not because there are less victims but because, that victims are not willing to report the cases. Rape statistics shows that less than 20% of rape cases are reported. Such a shameful note, that the victims of the most vulnerable deeds are not even brave enough to report a case, why? Because the victims don't trust the society enough. Our society is not a place where the victims of sexually assaulte will be confronted,but instead will just throw dirt on the victim saying 'Your outfits were way too revealing, that's why you were raped' or 'This was bound to happen as you always get out of your house at night, this is your punishment, and you should keep quiet about it', yes these are the words the society provides instead of support, so how can the victims trust the society?? And these are the words that causes the culprits feel like they are free to do anything and no one is going to point a finger on them. 'You learn your lessons from home, if your parents are well educated and respected by the society, then you are also gonna be a respective person' these are the words which many of us have heard, including the Monsters, but still they go on and do those sinful deeds. This point was to claim that the Monsters doesn't learn it from their home, they learn it themselves and execute it themself. But it's our job to teach our children the right lesson of respecting the others, and this is where I feel the lack of upbringing is for the culprits of sexual assault. But after your child commits a crime at school your duty is to teach him a lesson, but here are some parents who cover up their child's deed for the sake of "family reputation" and safe the culprit from going to jail or getting a punishment. Even the government of many countries aren't that favorable to the victims. The law of some country is not strict towards the culprit of sexual assault, which provides the Monsters a feeling of freedom to do anything and assault anyonethey sees. Growing up, I have also been a victim of sexual harassment when I was a kid of 6 years old, who knew nothing about sexual harassment. That Monster used to visit my home every day, as my brother's tutor, he took advantage of the innocence in me. Sensing something wrong was up, I finally decided to tell my parents about my uneasiness, that's when I knew that I won the war, and I learned a very important lesson of my life, 'Never stay silent, and speak for your life'. Telling my parents brought me the victory, and that's what cause me the brave girl I am. Even though I know many girls don't get the support from their parents, and that's when we need to awaken the tiger inside us, speak up for yourself, don't let the others to let you shut up, don't let your mouth to be shut until justicehas been served, and when we speak thats when we WIN the war.

Thoughts of Zara Rashid on Rape.

Article by Zara Rashid

Everyone in our society always blame the victim if she is raped but no one blame the rapist , the easiest way to prevent rape is to change mind of our society, our society always blame the victim, They don't even get their family support . Everyone judge a girl by the length of her clothes. Also many people think that having male friends and walking alone in late night are the primary reason of rape but Nowadays women aren't safe anywhere not even at their own home . Home is the only place where we feel safe but a brother is raping her own sister a father is raping her own daughter, but at the end of the day society will blame the girl. If we want to prevent rape we should change the mentality of our society. Having male friends or walking alone at late night doesn't mean the girl is characterless. And also we have to stop blaming the victims, they need their family the most at that time , their family should support them instead of blaming them , If there are 50 rape cases in an month then we have to think there has been 100 rapes, many of the victims don't complain to police just because of shame they think society will not accept them and that's why there are so many rapists are roaming freely. As a parents we should teach our son how to respect women not our daughter what to wear. If we can change some of the thoughts and punish the rapists we can prevent 90% of rapes

How parenting can prevent rape.

Article by Humaira Hossein

Have you watched the Bollywood movie called 'Mom'? If you did then you might have an idea of how important and powerful is the pillar of parents is for us. Sexual harassment and rape, shamefully has become a major problem of every living country in this world. Not many parents are comfortable to have a proper 'sex talk' with their child, which causes the child be unknown from rape and if someday the child becomes a victim the child has no idea of what is wrong and how to protest. Parents should make a comfort zone for their children to talk to them about anything without hesitation, that way if any unlucky day the child gets to be a victim, he or she can talk to their parents and figure out the solution as a family. Parents, can prevent rape by giving a perfect lessons to their children of respecting everyone and how rape effects a victims mental health, family and physical health, by this kind of lessons a person will think twice before he or she rapes anyone. This is very important for everyone in this world to be aware of what a nightmare rape is for a victim and should also know that it is a vulnerable deed God will never forgive anyone for. Every family should have a conversation about rape openly and put their thoughts ahead in front of the child, so that he or she can judge it by themselves that it's wrong. If family did this kind of conversations regularly then maybe today the rape statistics wouldn't have been this high. Not only, by having a good conversation but also supporting the victims afterwards, should be a major point for parents. There are many parents who don't support their child after being victimized of rape. There are some parents who doesn't want to ruin their 'family dignity' and tells the victim to be quite and not to protest, there are even worse cases where the parents make their victimized child to marry it's culprit saying "no one will marry you after being victimized of rape, so you have to marry him if you don't want our family name to be in the trash" and in cases like this victims gets traumatized and decides the path of suicide is easy for them than marrying a Monster. Parents have to support their children till the end, and if that causes their 'family dignity' to be lost then it shouldn't matter, because if your family dignity can't protect your child from Mosters then what kind of family dignity is this?? And their are some parents who hides the vulnerable deeds of the culprits of rape to protect their best excuse 'family dignity'. parents help their children to hide from the police and some even takes the law in their hand by their power and saves the culprit. Supports like this encourages the culprits to do more vulnerable deeds as they believe that their parents are gonna save them any how.This kind of cases is common mostly in countries like Bangladesh and India. Some parents protect their child from getting victimized by putting restrictions like not letting them out late at night, sometimes doesn't even let their child get out of the house alone anytime, and sometimes restrics their study and get them married. In Bangladesh some parents thinks getting their daughter married is the best way to protect her, even if it causes their daughters dream to accomplish something in her life to be crashed. Parents concern for their children is acceptable but if that concern turns out to be controlling which becomes a boundary between her dreams that's not acceptable. When I was a victim of sexual harassment by my brother's teacher, I told my parents about my uneasiness around him. My parents took the best step, protected me, punished that Monsters and that's when I finally understood why we all should tell our family our problems. My parents helped me getting out of that traumatic nightmare, consoled me, told me they are with me. I had many doubts about many things, but my mother stood up and cleared everything for me. That's why I think we should tell our parents about our problems, but if you don't get the support from your parents that's when you speak up for yourself and for the other victims around you. Some parents fear the society, some fear the culprits powerful background and some fears that their child can be victimized again, All these fears, insecurities and doudts on everyone, is just because our parents want to protect us from the Monsters but they forget that we are their children and we don't fear anyone, we can fight our own fight what we all seek for is just their support, and don't tell us to be quiet. We expect our parents to tell us, to file a case against the culprit but not to shut our mouths and stay quiet. We want our parents to trust us and have faith in us, but if they don't then we can survive on our own and also fight the battle on our own, we can win, and we will.


human rights

Dr Dipu Moni's Thoughts on women in Bangladesh

What have bangladesh done for the sake of humanity

Military wars give rise to mass rapes thats why we should ignore . wars !

How porn turned ted bundy into a rapist!

This is one of the biggest problems in bangladesh

All the credit goes to
No. Name Credit Fb Handles
1 Adittya Saha Project Leader,Article writer, and video producer @Adittya Saha
2 Arunovo Ferdouse Web developer and web Designer @Arunovo Ferdous
3 Md SaifUllah Saif Technical supports and Article writer @Saif Ullah
4 Zarif Mahfuz Article Writer and other supports @Zarif Mahfuz
5 Zubayer Abedin Article Writer and other Supports @Zubayer Abedin
6 Zunayed Abedin Article Writer and other Supports @Zunayed Abedin
7 Farifta Binte Zaman Article Writer and other Supports @Farifta Binte Zaman
8 Radhika Rahi Article Writer and other Supports N/A
9 Zara Rashid Article Writer N/A
10 Humaira Hossein Article Writer N/A